Please enter your shift number and interviewer number below.
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is …… from [EPINION / PERSPECTIVE] and I’m working on behalf of Heathrow Airport Ltd., and BVA BDRC, an independent market research agency.We are conducting a survey among airport colleagues to understand how you get to work. It should take 10-15 minutes max to complete, and results are used to help Heathrow ensure colleague transport facilities are fit for the future and support long-term sustainability goals. This survey is being conducted in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the Market Research Society in Britain.
Please be assured that all responses will be kept anonymous and confidential, accessible only to the research team at BVA BDRC and Heathrow Limited for research purposes and quality control. Your privacy is paramount, and no personal data will be shared. All data will be securely stored for six months after the project's completion after which time the data will be deleted.
INTERVIEWER PROMPT - The full survey will open in a new tab. **Once the survey has been completed, please return to this page to complete the submission.**
Can you please type your email address on the tablet?
Please scan the QR code.
Finally, would it be okay for an interview supervisor to contact you as part of their quality checks about the interviewing process?The contact would be made within the next 3 weeks. Your contact details will be used solely for the purpose of quality control, and no sales call will result from this interview.
Great! Please enter your details below:
Thank you so much for having already completed the survey.It was nice talking to you today. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you so much for completing the survey with me.It was nice talking to you today. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you so much for agreeing to take part. You should get the email with the survey link shortly.Thanks for your patience and understanding. It was nice talking to you today, we look forward to hearing from you! Don't miss your chance to win one of the Love2shop vouchers!Enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you so much for agreeing to take part. Thanks for your patience and understanding. It was nice talking to you today, we look forward to hearing from you! Don't miss your chance to win one of the Love2shop vouchers!Enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you for your time.It was nice talking to you today. Enjoy the rest of your day.